Wrinkle Correction treatment restores your skin to its youthful past, reducing lines and creases that have appeared over time.

At Royal Wharf Dental, we offer Wrinkle Correction to diminish the signs of ageing that affect your skin and can sometimes make you look older and feel less confident.

Wrinkle Correction is a safe and widely used substance that can correct wrinkles and create a smoother, softer appearance.

At our practice, wrinkle correction treatment is completed by highly trained dental professionals who have undertaken additional medical training to offer this facial aesthetics treatment.

We use wrinkle correction to address the following skin concerns:

  • Frown lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead lines
  • Lines around the mouth and lips

The treatment

When you attend a wrinkle correction consultation, we will first discuss your skin concerns and advise how we may help. The treatment itself is quick and comfortable.

You may experience slight redness following the treatment, but this will pass allowing you to get on with your day.

The full effects of the treatment can be seen almost immediately, however, we recommend waiting for at least ten days to really see the results.

For more information regarding this treatment

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